Projected Regional Growth
  • Building Restoration
  • Building Inspection
  • 商业/
    Institutional 体系结构
  • Historic Preservation
  • Interior 体系结构
  • Project Management
  • Real Estate Development
  • 呈现
  • Residential 体系结构
  • Urban Design and Development

For individuals who

Enjoy the collaboration between science and design. Want to creatively solve real-world design problems. 


A strong cohort of peers and professors. Classes involve professional lectures, 实地考察旅行, 三维建模, state-of-the-art 软件 rendering and studio learning. 


  • Building Restoration
  • 商业/Institutional 体系结构
  • Real Estate Development
  • Residential 体系结构
  • Urban Design and Development

体系结构 is a fine art devoted to the design of the human environment. The architect is concerned with the aesthetic, 社会, 环境, 影响建筑设计的技术和心理因素. Architects are involved in the success, 在社区和城市的背景下,建筑的质量和外观. 建筑是一个动态的职业,范围从住宅到大型城市建筑. An architect can design houses, commercial buildings, 博物馆, college science buildings, 和度假村, as well as many other building types.


成为 an architect, you must learn to make use of science and technology, 在空间和形式的材料设计中培养对美的敏感性. You must develop a deep understanding of people and their surroundings. Because this work encompasses so many different fields of interest, 建筑师最好被认为是一名专业人士,他将不同的研究领域连接起来,并将它们融合为一个整体, significant activity.


建筑师在建筑公司工作或接受政府职位, corporations or institutions. Some architects become highly specialized; others remain generalists in the profession, working on all facets of a project. Whichever path your career may follow, 首先有必要建立一个坚实的背景,包括基本的建筑知识和技能. 体系结构在该学科中提供了各种有趣的位置. 一个人可以为一家知名的建筑公司工作,也可以创建自己的公司. 一旦开始工作,人们可以关注架构中的三个典型领域(或者可以同时关注这三个领域). These three areas are: the design or aesthetic aspects of a project, the technical or material aspects of a project, or as the construction liaison when a project is being built. 此外,建筑是一个可扩展的职业,这取决于一个人的兴趣. 例如, 人们可以在从小型住宅到大型摩天大楼的范围内工作.


五年制建筑硕士学位由国家建筑认证委员会(NAAB)全面认证。. For more information see, www.naab.org/home. 成为 a licensed architect requires an accredited professional degree, 完成建筑经验计划(AXP)并通过所在州的执照考试.


建筑学课程是一个为期五年的专业课程,可以获得建筑学硕士学位. 该学位是由所有国家建筑许可委员会国家认可和认可的. Students receive a Bachelor of Science in 体系结构, a pre-professional degree, at the end of four years. During the first year of pre-architectural studies, 该课程强调对环境的理解以及我们对自然的影响. In addition to meeting general education and departmental requirements, 学生修读五门环境设计课程(ENVD),包括讲座课程, a drawing course and a design fundamentals course. Beginning at the sophomore level, 有一个选择性的录取过程,被录取的学生成为建筑专业的学生. 我们将工作室课程限制为最多16名学生,以保持学生与教师的高水平联系. 该项目是一种基于工作室的教育模式,学生与教授有很高的接触时间,学习解决问题的技巧和设计方法. 主要重点是设计思维,学生参与个人和小组项目,这些项目代表了大量需要现实世界解决方案的设计问题. 我们的主要重点是让学生学习成为伟大的设计师和领导者,他们以美丽和周到的设计参与世界的动态和新兴问题. 学生将学习如何通过写作和公开演讲来传达他们的想法,以及传统和新的思维和沟通方式,如物理模型, 图纸, computer animation and renderings and virtual reality. The program has required 实地考察旅行, 讲座系列和邀请外部专业人士,帮助学生专注于自己对建筑的兴趣,并根据这些兴趣创建一个项目.


Activities within the department include:

  • Student chapters of the American Institute of 体系结构 Students; Tau Sigma Delta; Freedom by Design; U.S. Green Building Council; National Organization of Minority Architects
  • Yearly career fair
  • Student-run Beaux Arts Ball with a guest speaker
  • Interaction with community projects such as eFargo
  • Studio 实地考察旅行 to U.S. 城市
  • Visiting lecturers who speak on architecture and related topics
  • Joint studio projects with the landscape architecture program
  • Semester-long term abroad option
  • 在欧洲和北美的暑期学习机会和国际学生交流计划
  • Spring break study abroad option
  • Summer internship opportunities

Our facilities include:

  • 法戈市中心有两座引人注目的建筑:克莱大厅和文艺复兴大厅
  • 3-D prototyping and printing
  • 3-D computing rendering and server farm
  • State-of-the-art computing labs
  • Computer aided laser cutters and CNC
  • Large document printers and scanners
  • Software such as GIS, CAD and 3-D rendering and modeling
  • An 体系结构 and Landscape 体系结构 图书馆 of about 18,000本书, 70 magazine subscriptions and 36,000年的幻灯片
  • Photographic and graphic reproduction equipment
  • Individual studio spaces in the second through fifth years


我们建议学生参加高中的数字绘画和动画课程, 美术课, such as drawing from life, and math and science courses such as calculus, trigonometry and physics. 如果可能的话, 我们鼓励高中学生参加预修课程或大学学分课程,这些课程可以代替十大信誉菠菜的通识教育要求.


转学申请者必须在一年级就进入建筑专业学习. Five years of study are required for completion of the degree. 通过投资组合和成绩单审查过程,先进的地位是可能的.


大约64名建筑学专业的学生被选中进入该项目的第二年. 学生的资格是基于他们的总体平均成绩(GPA)。, their GPA for pre-architecture courses with the ENVD prefix, and a portfolio created in ENVD-172. It is important to apply early, 在第一年完成所有大一课程,并保持良好的学习成绩. Students must have a minimum 3.在第三或第四年申请研究生院.


该项目第二年的学生将被要求购买一台笔记本电脑. Information on type of computer, 软件, 购买, 在学生购买之前,将向他们发放融资安排.