Career Outlook
Projected Regional Growth
  • Agricultural Salesperson
  • Plant or Farm Manager
  • Agricultural Business Manager
  • Agricultural Compliance Officer
  • Agricultural Market Analyst
  • Sustainable Agricultural Consultant
  • Agronomy Salesperson
  • Agricultural Commodities Trader
  • Agricultural Loan Officer

For individuals who

Are interested in financing the production and marketing of food and agricultural products.

Looking for

Coursework focusing on solving real-world problems in both agriculture and business with the ability to specialize.

To become

  • Agricultural Lender
  • Commodity Marketing Analyst
  • Agriculture Operations Manager
  • Crop Analyst

The applied economics course work in economic theory, research methods, and quantitative techniques is designed to prepare students for careers in agricultural economics research in private and public sectors and for Ph.D. programs.

The agribusiness courses are broad-based and combine training in agribusiness management, economic analysis, and agricultural sciences. Students are prepared for a variety of successful careers in agribusiness by fulfilling the requirements for expertise in quantitative methods and developing a rigorous background in economic theory and research.

Students have complete access to well-equipped research facilities and to faculty supervision time. The department has an excellent placement record with national and international agricultural and business firms, as well as government agencies.